上半年基本运行情况 1.出口带动生产快速增长今年上半年,在国内家电市场需求不旺,国际经济形势动荡多变的环境下,我国家用电器行业通过自身的努力进取、大力开拓国际市场。
The first half of this year saw a weaker demand in the domestic household electrical appliance market. Affected by the dramatic growth ofexports, the output of China's electrical appliances increased steadily. According to the State Statistics Bureau, from January to June, 8,400,000refrigerators were produced, a 8.6% increase over the figure for the same period last year; 20,590,000 air-conditiooers, a 35.9% increase; 6,940,0O0washing machines, a 6.1% increase; 10,260,000 microwave ovens, a 19.4 increase; 2,930,00O ice boxes, a 10.6% increase. The output of large homeelectrical appliances grew steadily, and that of small ones also went up to some degree. It is predicted, based on sales and exports in the first half ofthis year, that, though the export of summer appliances such as air-conditioners and electric fans will greatly decrease, total exports will increasecomparcd with those for the same period last year. It is estimated the whole year's exports will exceed US$8 billion.