讨论了集装箱堆场中一个常见的问题 ,即若干个不同重量的集装箱按一定顺序到达 ,要将这些箱子三个一垛码好 ,先到先码 ,后到后码 ,尽量轻箱在下 ,重箱在上 ,以保证装船时重箱在下 ,轻箱在上。因为在大多数情况下 ,无论怎样码放 ,都免不了捣箱。因此 ,如何码放才能使捣箱数最小是值得研究的问题 ,此问题可能是N P难的问题 。
There is a problem in container yard, a series of containers is transformed to the gate of yard waiting for being assigned a location. The containers are stacked in three with the lighter below and the heavier above in order that the lighter container is above when loading the ship. For the random of arrivals of the containers, it is inevitable to shift containers (if a lighter container is above a heavier one, then we move the lighter aside to load the heavier, then load the lighter). How to assign a location to the container to minimize the number of shifting containers maybe a NP problem. There is no precise solution. So we give a heuristic algorithm to the solution.
Journal of Dalian Maritime University