实施西部大开发战略 ,加快中西部地区发展 ,是我国现代化战略的重要组成部分 ,是党中央高瞻远瞩、总揽全局 ,面向新世纪做出的重大决策 ,具有十分重要的经济和政治意义。然而 ,由于西部大开发是一项长期浩大的工程 ,涉及面广、情况复杂 ,在具体实施中陷入了诸多“囚徒的困境”。经济学正是在资源稀缺的前提下 ,研究在“囚徒的困境”中如何进行选择的科学。
The Western Development, consisting in the modern strategy of China,is very important in economy and politics. But there are lots of 'Prisoner's Dilemmas' in the progress of the Western Development for its complex. The main point of economics is really managed to deeply analyze how to choose for 'Prisoner's Dilemmas' in the scarcity of wealth.
Journal of Guangzhou Finance & Trade Management Institute