评价液体在储层中的滤失特性 ,长期以来一直采用单一的滤失系数和初滤失量来表达 ,这对压裂液适用 ,但对于复杂的酸液滤失就太片面和不完善 ,为此 ,文中提出了酸蚀孔洞的突破时间、突破时注入的孔隙体积倍数及动态滤失系数的三项重要参数用来综合评价酸液滤失过程 ,使得酸液滤失实验方法更科学、更全面、更能代表酸液在储层中的滤失特征 ,更能综合评价降滤失剂及降滤失工艺 ,对现场工具有更大的指导作用。
Leakoff coefficient and spurt loss volume have been used to show fluid filtration properties in reservoir for a long time,but it is only suitable for fracturing fluid.When studying complicated acidizing fluid filtration,it is lopsided and imperfect.This paper gives three important parameters(breakthrough time,pore volume injected,and dynamic leakoff coefficient)to comprehensively evaluate acidizing fluid fitration process.This will be more scientific and can further represents the filtration properties of acidizing fluid in reservoir.It's helpful to overall evaluate fluid loss additives and technologies,and will be more guidable for field operations as well.
Drilling & Production Technology