目的 :调查隐翅虫的生境及季节分布 ,为防制隐翅虫皮炎的流行提供科学依据。方法 :在校园内操场、花园、学生宿舍际内草坪、食堂周围草坪等 10个地点作定点观察 ,2 0 0 1年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月每隔 10天 1次于观察点采集隐翅虫 ,并将采集到的样本带回实验室进行虫种鉴定、分类。结果 :共采获到 4种隐翅虫 :褐足隐翅虫、圆胸隐翅虫、依担隐翅虫和桑巴隐翅虫 ,且以褐足隐翅虫为主 ;在生长有杂草的潮湿的土壤表面或表层 ,尤其是肥活且有腐败树叶、杂草的疏松土壤表面多见本虫 ;隐翅虫夜出昼伏 ,校园内 4月~ 11月均可发现 ,最早在 3月下旬可捕到 ,最迟在 12月上旬可见。 4月~ 6月 ,种群密度较低 ,7月起虫密度增高较快 ,8月份达到高峰 ,此后缓慢下降 ,至 10月下旬 ,11月上、中旬 ,减少到 4~ 6月份的水平 ,11月下旬虫体密度甚少 ,12月上旬虫体逐渐消失。结论 :最常见的隐翅虫为褐足隐翅虫 ,其喜居于隐蔽潮湿环境中 ,夜出昼伏 ,季节分布呈单峰型 。
Objective: To provide scientific evidence for prevention and controlling paederus dermatitis, in vestigation of habits and seasonal distribution of Paederus was carried out in Anhui University of Science & Technology. Methods: Paederus was observed and taken every 10 days from April 2001 to April 2002 in playgrounds, garden, grasses in front of the dormitories, grasses aroud dinning hall and other 5 places, and the insects were identified and classified in laboratory. Results: There were four tyopes of Paederus acquired, which were Paederus fuscips, Paederus gemeuius, Paederus irritans, Paederus sabaeus, and most of which were Paederus fuscips. And the insects frequently habited in surfaces of moist soil with grasses, most of which were found in fertile soil with putrefactive leaves and grasses, patrolling by night and hiding by day. As to the seasonal distribution of this insect, it can be found from April to December, with a density growing in July and reaching the peak in August. Conclusion: Paederus fuscips was principal species causing paederus dermatitis, liking to inbabit concealed and wet environment, and patrolling by night and hiding by day. The seasonal distribution of the insects appeared single peak in August.
Journal of Medical Pest Control