
跨国投资国际法制的晚近发展 被引量:17

摘要 跨国投资的国际法制近年来的发展速度明显加快 ,也引发了南北国家之间更加尖锐的矛盾和冲突。晚近美式双边投资条约和一些多边投资立法极力弱化东道国外资管辖权的特征表现得越来越明显 ,可能带来一系列严重后果 ,应当引起发展中国家高度重视。同时 ,西方法学界试图将晚近出现的一些自由化性质的条约法规则上升到习惯国际法规则高度的论调 ,目的在于永久性地确立有利于发达资本输出国的国际法律秩序 ,因而也是危险的。未来国际投资的国际立法 ,应当注意在推动国际投资自由化和保护投资者利益的同时 ,确保东道国对跨国投资的适当管理和控制 ,以利于建立投资领域的国际法律新秩序。 The international legal system of transnational investment has developed rapidly in recent years and the tendency in recent international investment treaties of weakening the foreign investment jurisdiction of host countries becomes more and more obvious. Developing countries should pay attention to these changes. In order to create an international legal order to the advantage of the developed countries, many western scholars have suggested that the investment liberalization rules in recent international investment treaties have become customary international law. This kind of suggestion is harmful. While trying to promote international investment liberalization and protect the interests of international investors, the international legislation of investment in the future shall guarantee appropriate regulation and control of foreign investment by the host country so as to contribute to the establishment of a new international legal order.
作者 刘笋
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期108-125,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
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  • 2Kenneth J.Vandevelde,Investment Liberalization and Economic Development:The Role of Bilateral Investment Treaties.36Colum.J.Transnat'l L.1998,p.512.
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  • 5Ibrahim F.I.Shihata,Recent Trends Relating to Entry of Foreign Direct Intestment,91CSID Rev.-FILJ,1994.p.60.See NAFTA,art 1104.
  • 6Maurits Lugard,Toward on Effective Intemational Investment Regime,91 Am.Soc'y int'l L.Proc.1997.p.495.
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  • 1see UNCTC, The Impact of Trade- related Investment Measures on Trade and Development, ppl 1 - 13,United Nations, 1991.
  • 2see UNCTC,The Impact of Trade- related Investment Measures on Trade and Development,pp26 - 30,United Nations, 1991.
  • 3see UNCTC,The Impact of Trade- related Investment Measures on Trade and Development,pp23 - 26,United Nations, 1991.
  • 4See Terence P. Stewart,The GATT Umguary Round : A Negotiating History( 1986 - 1992 ).
  • 5See W. M. Corden,Trade Policy and Economic Welfare,Oxford University Press, 1974.
  • 6See Richard A. Brecher and Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro, Tariffs, Foreign Capital and Immiserizing Orowth, Journal of International Economics, 7(1977), pp. 317 - 322.
  • 7Gene Grossman,The Theory of Domestic Content Protection and Content Preference, Quarterly Journal of Economics( November 1981),pp. 583 - 604.
  • 8See Paul R. Krugnlan, Introduction: New Thinking About Trade Polic'y, in Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economies, 1986.
  • 9Avinash Dixit, International Trade Policy for Oligopotistic. supplemeny to the Economic Journal, vol. 94(1984), p1.
  • 10See Terence P. Stewart,The GATT Uruguary Round :A Negotiating History( 1986 - 1992).











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