在近代微分几何和数学物理的研究领域中 ,Clifford代数起着越来越重要的作用。关于Clifford代数 ,LawsonHB和MichelsohnML在他们的专著中做了一定的研究 ,得出了Clifford代数中的周期性同构现象。本文作者在复Clifford代数中引进超结构的概念 ,给出了复Clifford代数周期性定理的一个新的证明。
In the area of modern differential geometry and mathematical physics, Clifford algebra is now known to play a more and more important role. As to Clifford algebra, Lawson H B and Michelsohn M L have made some useful research in their book. They found the periodicity isomorphism phenomena in Clifford algebra. In this paper, the author introduces the concept of super structure in complex Clifford algebra and gives a new proof of the periodicity theorem of complex Clifford algebra.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology