通过对诺氏虫疠霉生物学特性的研究 ,明确了该菌孢子萌发、生长的适温范围为 15℃~ 2 5℃ ,萌发最适湿度为 10 0 % ,最适 p H为 9~ 10。紫外线对诺氏虫疠霉分生孢子有强烈杀伤作用 ,照射 10分钟 ,萌发率降低 4 1.9%。不同光照处理间菌落生长差异显著 ,全光照可完全抑制菌落生长 ,明暗交替最利于菌落生长和产孢。
The Aphidopathogenous fungus Pandora nouryi Humber is a species with the most important role in the regulation of leaf aphid population. The results of the experiment showed that the conidia could germinate only at high relative humidity (RH). At 95%RH, there was almost no germination. The conidia germinated faster at 100% than 97.5%RH. The conidia germinated at the temperature from 15℃ to 25℃, with the range of pH 8~11 and the optimum range 9~10. At 30℃, there was no germination. The results also showed that the ultraviolet ray can kill the conidia.
Entomological Journal of East China
山东省杰出青年科学家基金资助项目 (鲁科计字 [1999]345号 )