
湿度对小黑瓢虫生长发育及存活的影响 被引量:9

Influence of humidity on developmental duration and survival of Delphastus catalinae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
摘要 本文研究了不同湿度条件下小黑瓢虫各虫态的发育历期及存活率 ,结果表明 :(1)小黑瓢虫各虫态及世代历期均表现出低湿长于高湿 ,世代历期在 85 % RH下最短 ,但与 75 % RH相差不大 ;(2 )卵期的存活率除在 95 % RH下较低 (0 .85 0 )外 ,其余各湿度下均高于 0 .95 0 ;各虫态历期中 ,低湿与高湿均不利于其存活 ,在一定的范围内 ,随着相对湿度的升高 ,存活率逐渐增大 ,在 85 % RH下存活率达到最大值 ,而后呈下降趋势 ;(3)组建了小黑瓢虫各虫态发育历期与湿度及存活率与湿度的二次三项回归方程 ,经卡方检验 ,均达显著水平 。 Developmental duration and survival rate of Delphastus catalinae under various humidity conditions were studied and the results showed that: (1) the developmental duration of each stage and a generation under lower humidity was longer than that under higher humidity, and that under 85%RH shortest, with a little difference from that under 75%RH; (2) the survival rates of eggs under the humidity tested were considerably high (over 0.95), except that under 95% RH (0.85); At the stages of larva, pupa with pre pupa and a generation, it was unsuitable to the survival of Delphastus catalinae under both lower and higher humidity, and the survival rate reached a peak under 85%RH, and then went down; (3) Regression equations of each stage of Delphastus catalinae between the developmental duration and humidity and that between the survival rate and humidity were developed and tested by χ 2 values, which indicated that these equations were all feasible.
出处 《华东昆虫学报》 2002年第2期88-91,共4页 Entomological Journal of East China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39970 5 11) 福建省科技计划项目
关键词 湿度 小黑瓢虫 生长发育 存活 Delphastus catalinae, humidity, development, survival
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