板栗产生空苞是一个全国性的问题 ,如何降低空苞率是很多学者研究的课题 ,本文从缺硼是引起板栗空苞的主要原因入手 ,选定具有代表性的地块 ,以不同的施硼量对降低空苞率、增加产量等因素进行分析研究 ,分析施硼的必要性、确定最佳施硼量 ,以指导生产实践 ,结果表明 ,施硼对降低板栗空苞率、增加产量有明显效果 ,且肥效能持续 3~ 5年 ;板栗施硼时以每平方米树冠投影施入 1 5 g为最佳施硼量 ,增产幅度达 45.7% ,空苞率降低 2 9.1 %。
It's a problem all over china that many Chestnuts have empty buds, how to reduce, the rate of empty buds in a subject on which lots of schoolars are doing reseach. Tests on Chestnut trees with boren treatwent showed that applying suitable boron to chestnut trees could greatly reduce the rate of empty buds and increase the produltion. The effect could sustain for 3~5 years. The most suitabie amount of applying boron is 15 g per square meter prjection, made by the sun of the crown of the tree. This could roduce 29.1% of the empty buds and increase 45.7% of the production.
Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology