《洪氏集验方》五卷南宋乾道六年 (1170 )初刻版及《伤寒要旨药方》两卷南宋乾道七年(1171)初刻版今存北京国家图书馆 ,明清藏书家视同拱璧 ,珍爱无比 ,屡加考证 ,多有评说。今简考两书作者、版本特点及其流传始末。
The first blockprinted edition, 5-volume Hong shi ji yan fang (Hong's Collection of Effective Recipes) in the 6th year of Qiandao reign (1170) and the first blockprinted edition of Shang han yao zhi yao fang (Recipes with Gist on Cold Pathogenic Diseases) in the 7th year of Qiandao reign (1171) are collected in the National Beijing Library. Both are highly treasured by book connoisseurs of the Ming and Qing dynasties who made much textual research. The authors, edition uniqueness and circulating facts of both works are discussed here.
Chinese Journal of Medical History