目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声 (彩超 )技术检测颈椎病人的椎动脉的临床价值。方法 采用彩超 2 D(二维图像 )、 CDFI (彩色血流显示 )、 CDPI (能量图 )、 PWD (多普勒 )检测 12 3例颈椎病人的双侧椎动脉 2 4 6条 ,观察椎动脉的形态、走行、管壁的厚度、回声、管腔的内径是否狭窄 (≥ 3mm为正常 ) ,斑块是否存在以及各项血流参数 ,包括 Vmax (最大流速 )、Vmin (最小流速 )、RI(血管阻力指数 )。结果 92例发现椎动脉异常 ,其中 2 3例病变在双侧 ,6 9例病变为单侧病变。结论 椎动脉的异常是颈椎病导致眩晕等症状的主要原因 ,而彩超提供了一种客观、量化的检测指标。不仅能正确评估颈椎病的椎动脉病变程度 ,而且能判断预后 。
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the significant diagnostic value of Color Doppler Image Technology to the diagnosis of Cervical vertebral artery(VA) disease.Methods One hundred and twenty three patientsbilateral vertebral arteries were quantitated by the method of 2D,CDFI,CDPI and PWD.We observed the form,the thindness,the echo and the diameter of those VA and some Parameters of flood flow,including Vmax,Vmin and RI.Results Ninety Two casesvertebral arteries were found out to be involved accurately.Furthermore,We could observe directly the extent of damaged value and making early diagnosis.Conclusion It indicates that the application of Color Doppler Image Technology has strong clinical potential for the diagnosis of cervical vertebral artery disease.
Fujian Medical Journal