通豆 3号大豆系江苏沿江地区农科所以通豆 1号为亲本 ,经系统选育而育成的淮南夏大豆新品种 ,2 0 0 2年 2月通过江苏省品种审定 ,表现高产、稳产、适应性广、抗性好、商品性优良 ,适合在淮南地区种植。该试验以播种密度为主区 ,施肥量为副区 ,进行裂区试验。结果表明 :合适的播种密度和施肥量是通豆 3号实现高产的关键 ,揭示了二者对通豆 3号大豆产量的影响及其最佳组合模式 ,提出了通豆
New soybean variety-Tongdou No.3 was selected and bred from Tongdou No.1.The Split-plot experiment in planting density as main factor and application amount of fertilizer as second factor was carried out and the result indicated that the suitable planting density and application amount of fertilizer were main measure of obtaining high yield.The best cultivation model for highest yield was explored and put forward.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences