

b.When will Regulation on 3G be in Place?
摘要 从趋之若鹜到避之不及,3G的命运在短短两年间发生了巨大的逆转,首先是3G牌照拍卖令欧洲几大运营商元气大伤,接着,最早推出FOMA服务的日本NTT DoCoMo在3G的运营中也陷入困境。近期,沃达丰、Orange等运营商也纷纷推迟了3G商用的时间,芬兰电信甚至把3G牌照又退还给挪威政府。当然,尽管面临诸多的困难,3G的发展步伐从来没有停滞,和黄近期在欧洲大举推进3G,使3G灰暗的前景又出现了希望。 The Chinese government has maintained a stable policy in the global fervor for auctions of the 3G licenses,so that the domestic telecom industry is saved from a big crisis.However,a common concern has followed up,that is,as we are being very cautious on the issue of 3G,are we missing a good opportunity to develop 3G services? Some analysts of the telecom industry have warned that the 3G services had passed the preliminary phase and entered a development period.If domestic carriers would stand still at this point,they would probably miss their best opportunity to develop 3G.In the development of the 3G businesses,China has turned out to be a winner in the first round as a result of a cautious policy,but how should China respond in the second round? What kind of policy should China adopt in the development of 3G? In a recent interview,the director of the Research Center for Regulation and Competition Institution of China Academy of Social Sciences had presented his views on these issues.
作者 钱静
出处 《中国电信业》 2002年第11期30-33,共4页 China Telecommunications Trade
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