胡十二块目前面临着高含水低采出程度的问题 ,造成该状况的主要原因是胡十二块为严重非均质油藏。通过对胡十二块油藏内流体性质及变化规律的研究 ,充分认识了胡十二块原油物性、化学组成及油田水在注水开发中的变化 。
The Water cut is very high currently in Hu 12 Block, but the recovery rate is still low. The reason is that Hu 12 Block's heterogeneity is very serious. We have studied the fluid characters and its' changing. We have realized the changing of the properties of the crude oil?the constituents of the crude oil and the constituents of water during the development. We have also studied how to use the fluids' properties during the developing.
Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry