茨威格对自己的恋爱、婚姻、家庭、情感很少谈及 ,几乎没有述诸笔端。但是 ,从茨威格的恋爱、婚姻、家庭 ,尤其是他和弗里德利克的相识、相知、相爱 ,以及后来的分离和书信往来等看出 ,对前妻弗里德利克及其情感是十分珍爱的 ,他对女性是充分尊重和理解爱惜的。由此我们就不难理解 。
Zweig seldom talked about his love affair, marriage,family,and feelings,almost never in his writings. However,in fact, Zweig loved his first wife and treated preciously with her emotion if we knew something about their love affair, marriage, family,and especially their letters after they separated. He respected, understood, and treasured females. From this,we are easy to know that why Zweig can describe so many women in a kind-hearted way, and show sympathy for them in his novels.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College
四川省教育厅 2 0 0 2年新批青年基金课题"茨威格小说研究"成果之一 (项目编号SB0 2- 0 2 8)