

Experiences In Operative Treatment of Unstable Ankle Fractures
摘要 目的 :探讨不稳定性踝部骨折的治疗方法 ,强调外踝、下胫腓联合的切开复位内固定的重要性 ,并分析如何减少和预防并发症的发生。方法 :1996年~ 2 0 0 0年期间手术治疗不稳定性踝部骨折 4 3例。结果 :经 6~ 36个月随访 ,优良率达 88.38%。结论 :(1)对不稳定性踝部骨折 ,手术治疗可提高疗效 ,减少并发症 ;(2 )重视外踝与腓骨的整复 ;(3)正确处理下胫腓联合分离并在术后 3个月应取出内固定材料 ;(4)解剖复位 ,可靠的内固定 ,早期合理的功能锻炼 ,是提高疗效。 Objective:To discuss the treatment methods of the unstable ankle fracture,to emphasize the importance of open reduction and internal fixation of lateral malleolus and distal tibiofibular joints and to analyze how to reduce and prevent the complication.Methods:43 cases with unstable ankle fracture were treated from 1996 to 2000 years.Results.All patients were followed up 6-36 mouths.The excellent and good rate was 88.38%.Conclusion.(1) Operative treatment can improve the treatment effects of the unstable ankle fracture and reduce the complication of it.(2) The lateral malleolus or fibula should be thought highly of its reduction.(3) The distal tibiofibular joints should be treated correctly and its intemal fixation should be removed with in 3 months after operation.(4) It was the key point to improve effects,to reduce and prevent traumatic arthritis by anatomic reduction,dependable intemal fixation and early reliable functional exercises.
出处 《实用骨科杂志》 2002年第5期345-347,共3页 Journal of Practical Orthopaedics
关键词 不稳定性踝部骨折 手术治疗 创伤性关节炎 切开复位 内固定 Unstable ankle fracture Operative treatment Traumatic arthritis
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