Foreign Medical Sciences(Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery)
1Tsau Y, Guan L, Wu JY. Epileptiform activity can be initiated in various neocortical layers: an optical imaging study. J Neurophysiol, 1999, 82 (4): 1965-1973.
2Alefeld M, Sutor B, Luhmann HJ. Pattern and pharmacology of propagating epileptiform activity in mouse cerebral cortex. Exp Neurol, 1998,153 (1): 113-122.
3Pacia SV, Doyle WK, Brederick PA. Bingenic amines in the human neocodex in patients with neocortical and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: identification with in situ microvoltammetry. Brain Res, 2001, 899(1-2): 106-111.
4Morales-Villagran A, Lopez- Perez S, Medina- Ceja L, et al. Cotrical cateholamine changes and seizures induced by 4 - aminopyfidine in awake rats, studied with a dual microdialysis - electrical recording technique. Neurosci Lett, 1999, 275(2): 133-136.
5Sutor B, Luhmann HJ. Involvement of GABA (B) receptors in convulsantinduced epileptiform activity in rat neocortex in vitro. Eur J Nenrosci, 1998, 10(11): 3417-3427.
6Jung HY, Staff NP, Spruston N. Action potential bursting in subicular pyramidal neurons is driven by a calcium tail current. J Neurosci, 2001, 21(10): 3312-3321.
7Benthius DJ, Pantazis NJ, Karacay B, et al. Alcohol exposure during the brain growth spurt promotes hippocampal seizures, rapid kindling, and spreading depression. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2001, 25(5): 734-745.
8Hill MW, Wong M, Amarakone A, et al. Rapid cooling aborts seizurelike activity in rodent hippocampal - entorhinl slices. Epilepsia, 2000, 41 (10): 1241-1248.
9Finnerty GT, Jefferys JG. 9-16 Hz oacilhtion preecdes secondary generalization of seizures in the rat tetanus toxin modal of epilepsy. J Neurophysiol, 2000, 83(4): 2217-2226.
10Bragin A, Engel J Jr, Wilson CL, et al. Hippocampal and entorhinal correx high - frequency oscillations (100-500 Hz) in human epileptic brain and in kainic acid - - treated rats with chronic seizures. Epilepsia, 1999, 40(2): 127-137.
2朱惠华,池丽莉,黎晴.微电极技术导引治疗帕金森病的护理[J].武警医学院学报,2001,10(4):329-329. 被引量:1
5秦明筠,李勇杰,张宇清.单侧双靶点毁损治疗偏身性肌张力障碍[J].中国临床神经外科杂志,2003,8(5):359-361. 被引量:1
6杨欣.脑出血的预防及护理体会[J].职业与健康,2003,19(1):158-159. 被引量:1
8所森,李国忠.颅内动脉粥样硬化的危险因素和治疗研究进展[J].医学综述,2013,19(21):3932-3934. 被引量:4
10王春旭,刘正清.降钙素基因相关肽与神经元保护作用[J].中南大学学报(医学版),2004,29(5):595-597. 被引量:2