The present paper deals with four new species and two new record species of genus of Botanophila Lioy, 1864 from Gansu and Shaanxi provinces, China; i.e. Botanophila angustisilva sp. nov., Botanophila chelonocerca sp. nov., Botanophila sanctiforceps sp. nov., Botanophila subobscura sp. nov. The two new record species are Botanophila guinlani (Ackland 1967), Botanophila rotundivalva (Ringdahl 1937). All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
采自甘肃和陕西省的花蝇科植种蝇属四新种和二新记录 ,分别为瘦林植种蝇Botanophilaangustisilvasp .nov .,分布于陕西省周至厚畛子 ,甘肃省文县邱家坝 ,该种近似林植种蝇Botanophilasilva (Suwa 1974 ) ,但新种雄前中鬃 1~ 2对 ,背侧片无小毛 ;前缘刺缺如 ;股节和胫节黄色 ;第五腹板侧叶基半部具 4~ 5根栉状粗鬃 ,其端半部具两根长鬃 ;肛尾叶和侧尾叶均细长 ,肛尾叶正中突较长等不同。龟叶植种蝇Botanophilachelonocercasp .nov .,分布于甘肃省舟曲沙滩林场、康县清河、宕昌黄家路林场 ,该种近似于棘腹植种蝇Botanophilaspinisternata(Suwa ,1974 ) ,但新种雄性触角芒为羽状 ,侧颜为触角宽的 2倍 ;足全黑 ,后胫前背鬃 2 ;肛尾叶的正中突较长 ,末端呈菱形 ,侧尾叶较宽 ,端部圆 ,且向前方弯曲等不同。妙钳植种蝇Botanophilasanctiforcepssp .nov .,分布于甘肃省文县邱家坝石崖子梁 ,该种近似于苦荬植种蝇Botanophilasonchi (Hardy ,1872 ) ,但新种雄颊高为眼高的 1 7;前中鬃呈体毛状 ;前缘基鳞黑色 ;肛尾叶的正中突分叉等不同。拟暗植种蝇Botanophilasubobscurasp .nov .,分布于甘肃省文县邱家坝石崖子梁 ,该种近似于暗植种蝇Botanophilaobscura (Zetterstedt 184 5 ) ,但新种雄下眶鬃 6~ 7对 ;