治理通货紧缩是我国当前乃至未来一个时期内宏观调控的首要任务。为达此目的 ,一要调整所有制结构、行业结构、产品结构、技术结构 ;二要增加货币供应量 ,运用积极的财政政策、货币政策 ,同时进一步发展资本市场 ;三要提高城乡居民的收入。在城市应大幅度提高职工工资 ,在农村应大力发展小城镇以提高农民收入。四要克服公众心理障碍 ,如价格预期下降心理 ,未来支出增加心理 ,未来收入预期减少心理。
Dealing with deflation is the primary task of macro-economic control now and some time into the future. To realize this, one is to adjust the structure of ownership system, industry structure, product structure, and technology structure. second is to increase the money supply, take use of activist fiscal and monetary policies, and promote the development of capital markets. Third is to increase the incomes of urban and countryside residents. In city we should increase the wages of workers, while in the country we should focus on the development of small towns to increase the peasants' income. Fourth is to reverse the mental expectations about the future,e.g. expectation of future price decrease,future expenditure increase, and future income decrease.
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics