西部大开发是一项长期的、宏大的、复杂的社会经济系统工程 ,需要做出正确的战略选择。面对有利和不利的环境确定目标定位。西部大开发应在改善和保持生态平衡 ,实现可持续发展的前提下实行“双赢”战略、梯度推进与跨越式相结合战略、发挥区域优势形成自己特色战略、集中力量重点实施战略、统筹规划分阶段实施战略等。实施战略中要解决好全国和地区开发规划、国内外资源导入、基础设施先行、财政金融税收及人才等的政策倾斜、人才培养以及中央和地方政府作用的发挥等关键问题。
The western development is a long,grand and complex systematical project in social economy.It requires a correct selective strategy to decide on targets under the circumstances of advantages and disadvantages.“Winwin”strategy should be predicated on perfecting and keeping the ecological balance to realize the sustainable development in the western development.Also the striding combination strategy should be gradually pushed on,the local advantages should be given play to form own characteristic strategy,the main strategies should be concentrated on to implement and the overall planning strategies should be carried out stage by stage.Many key problems should be better solved in implementing those strategies,such as the developing planning in the country and regions,the resource introductions domestic and abroad,the foundamental installations in advance,the inclined policies for the public finance and banking taxes and personnels,fostering personnels and the play to the central and local government functions.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute