政治经济学是经济专业的重要基础课 ,社会主义市场经济理论的确立使该学科面临挑战与更新。现有的政治经济学教材严重脱离现实 ,造成双重后果 :一是否定理论的正确性 ,认为马克思的经济理论过时了 ;二是否定现实的社会主义 ,认为中国在搞资本主义。因此 ,应从市场经济共性和现实出发 ,从创新和发展的角度 。
The political economics is an important basic course in economic specialities.The establishment of the socialist market economy theory makes the course facing challenges and renewal.The teaching materials on hand has seriously lost contact with reality and caused two consequences.One is to deny the correctness of the theory and to think the Marxist economic theory out of fashion;another is to deny the real socialism and to think China practising capitalism.So we should probe into the outlet for the political economics,according to the common and reality,the innovation and development of the market economy.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute