采用余热回收装置回收烟气热量 ,回收的烟气余热加热锅炉给水可提高锅炉热效率5 %以上 ;降温后的烟气进入喷淋塔 ,利用染整废碱水中和烟气酸度 ,烟囱排放的烟气SO2 浓度和含尘浓度达到环保要求 ,并能节约治理废碱水的硫酸。在 1.5年的换热器热管的有效使用周期内 ,节油量可收回整个装置的投资及承担运行费用 ;更换热管后的第二个使用周期就能获得利润 ,在印染、造纸。
By the use of recovering device, reclaiming heat amount of flue gas to heat boiler supply water, which can increase boiler heat efficiency more than 5%, taking advantage of waste alkaline liquor to counteract mist acidity after cooling to entry spray scrubber, draining density of SO 2 and dust can meet the standards for pollutant controlling and H 2SO 4 for treating waste alkaline liquor is saved. The device can recover all the investment and operation cost by oil saved in the first 1.5 years of heat tube be available used and that may be profit in the next 1.5 years, It will be possessed of important use value to the fields of dyeing & printing plant, paper mill etc.
Energy Technology