本设计用 Turbo C语言对精馏过程进行模拟,内容包括: MENU和 FUGDES模块.其主要功能是: MENU-用Turbo C编写的一套菜单系统,该菜单系统具有下拉式菜单的特性,中文界面,并提供帮助,可以用键盘、鼠标驱动,FUGDES-用FUG法计算理论塔板数、实际塔板数和回流比.
In this design, the rectification process is simulated by use of Turbo C language in two modules: A menu system written by Turbo C, the MENU module has the attribute of Pull Down Menu, provides Chinese Character Display, offers help, and can be driven by the keyboard or the mouse. The FUGDES module, also written by Trubo C, is used to calculate, with the help of FUG, the theoretical column plate, the actual column plate, and the reflux ratio.
Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition