土壤的压缩曲线最初是由梁霍夫提出的。主要根据实验得出的有关结果对土壤的压缩曲线进行了改进 ,得到了分别适应在低压、一般高压、高温高压和卸载条件下的压缩曲线 ,给出了土壤中球型装药爆炸波按照改进的压缩曲线进行计算得到的数值结果 ,计算结果表明 ,按照改进的压缩曲线进行计算得到的数值结果与有关的实验结果是比较吻合的。
The compressive behavior designated by compressive curve of the soil,which was originally proposed by Lyakhov,is modified in this paper in order to fit the experimental results at low pressures,higher pressures,very high pressures and unloading condition.Some numerical examples are given.It is demonstrated that the prediction of wave propagation in soil under the spherical charge explosion by the modified curve of compression fits well with the experimental data.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)