以 Fe NH4 ( SO4 ) 2 · 1 2 H2 O作催化剂合成了顺丁烯二酸二丁酯、顺丁烯二酸二戊酯、顺丁烯二酸二异戊酯、顺丁烯二酸二辛酯。实验结果表明 ,此固体催化剂对上述酯的合成催化活性高 ,反应条件温和 ,工艺流程简单 ,产品纯度高 ,2 h酯化率均可达 98%以上。
Dimaleates such as dibutyl maleate, diamyl maleate, di-iso-amyl maleate, dioctyl maleate are synthesized using ammonium ferric sulfate as catalyst. The experimental result shows that in the synthesis of the dimaleates, the catalytic activity of the solid catalyst is high, the reaction conditions are mild, the process is simple and the product is very pure. Within two hours the total yield is over 98% respectively.
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science Edition)