研究了在茄子杂交制种过程中 ,不同技术措施对茄籽产量和质量的影响。结果表明 ,种茄从授粉到采收6 0 d、后熟 15 d的种子质量最好 ;蕾期授粉 ,次日进行重复授粉的比不进行重复授粉的单果采种量增加了 41.17%;单株座果数 10~ 12个的采种量最高。
Effect of different measures on the seed quality and yield of eggplant during the crossing process was studied.The results showed that the seed quality was the best while picked on the 60th day after pollination and 15 days after-ripening;the seed yield of the repeated-pollination was 41.17% higher than that of control;the highest per unit seed yield was found in the single plant with 10-12 fruits set.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences