香根草根系深 2~ 3m ,已被世界上许多国家列为理想的水土保持植物种 ,也是受重金属和有机物污染土地复垦的首选物种之一 ,其香根油还有重要的经济价值。我国大面积存在的天然香根草群落位于广东省湛江地区 ,现存面积 15 0hm2 左右 ,建议应尽快把这块仅有的野生香根草草地划为自然保护区 。
Vetiver grass is the ideal plant of soil and water conservation, which have been found only in large area in Chinese mainland. The rootage of Vetiver grass is very large that could be down to 2~3 meters. It was very known as a ideal plant of soil and water conservation in many countries all over the world. The oil of rootage could be used as a kind of insecticide and antiseptic. The community of Vetiver grass in large area was located in Zhanjiang region of Guangdong province. But now it was damaged very much and remained only 150 hm 2 around. It was suggested that there was necessary to setup a nature conserve area and protect Vetiver grass community, in order to provide a research basement for native Vetiver grass.
Pratacultural Science