通过具体工程实例指出 ,对于低浓度、可生化性较差的有机污水 ,采用水解 -好氧工艺进行处理是一个较好的方法。水解池可以取代初淀池 ,不仅能有效地调整污水的可生化性 ,为后续的好氧处理提供便利 ,还可降解部分剩余活性污泥 ,减少污泥量。该工艺投资省、效果好、易管理。
The Paper points out that it is a good method to adopt hydrolysis-aerobic process to treat organic sewage with low concentration and bad biodegradability through a project example.Hydrolytic pond,instead of primary sedimentation tank,not only can effectively adjust the biodegradability of sewage,provide convenience for the succeeding aerobic reaction,but also can degrade partially surplus activated sludge and reduce the quantity of the sludge.This process has advantages of less investment,good efficiency and easy management.
Nonferrous Metals Design