目的 了解医科大学学生的早餐、零食及校外就餐情况及其影响因素。方法 采用横断面调查的方法 ,对某医科大学某学院的 80 0名在校学生进行问卷调查。结果 有效问卷 780份。有 19 9%的大学生不能坚持每天吃早餐 ,4 0 %的大学生几乎不吃早餐 ;吃零食在女大学生中极为普遍 ;该校大学生在校外就餐的频率较高。结论 学校应加强对学生的管理和教育 ,纠正其不吃早餐的不良习惯 ;提高学校食堂的服务质量 。
Objective To study breakfast, snack and outside campus eating behaviors of medical university students and related factors Methods A cross-section questionnaire survey was conducted among 800 students at a medical university Results About 19 9% of the students did not have breakfast everyday, and 4 0% of them was used to skipping breakfast Snacking was common among female students The frequency of their eating outside the campus was high Conclusion Universities should strengthen administration of students and improve their logistic service
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui
安徽医科大学校基金资助课题 (编号 :5 2 2 0 99)