目的 分析不同年龄正常中轴骨的MR表现以探讨MRI上中轴骨骨髓转化的规律及特点。资料与方法共搜集 46 0例不同年龄正常中轴骨骨髓MR图像。其中颅骨 15 6例 ,男 ,87例 ,女 6 9例 ,年龄 0~ 2 5岁 ;腰椎 2 31例 ,男 136例 ,女 95例 ,年龄 0~ 78岁 ;骨盆及股骨上段 73例 ,男 43例 ,女 30例 ,年龄 0~ 70岁。结果 MRI上不同年龄中轴骨骨髓信号不同 ,主要表现在信号强度与均匀性两方面 ,总体上说 ,随年龄增长 ,信号强度逐渐增高 ,不均匀性逐渐显著。结论 中轴骨骨髓转化以局灶不均匀转化为主 ,不同年龄中轴骨骨髓MRI表现不同 。
Objective To analyze MRI appearances of normal axial skeleton in different ages, and to investigate the rule and MRI features of marrow conversion in the axial skeleton.Materials and Methods MR images of normal axial bone marrow in 460 different-aged individuals were collected, including skull (n=156), lumbar vertebrae (n=231), and pelvis with proximal femur (n=73).Results On MRI, the signal of the axial bone marrow in different aged people was different. Generally, along with aging the signal intensity increased, while the signal inhomogeneity became obvious. Conclusion On MRI, localized inhomogeneity is the main conversion pattern for axial bone marrow. MRI findings of the axial bone marrow are different in different aged people. Patient's age must be taken into account when related diseases in axial bone marrow are diagnosed.
Journal of Clinical Radiology