目的 :了解驻京某部乙型病毒性肝炎感染情况 ,为乙肝疫苗接种做准备。方法 :随机整群抽取 6个单位 ,进行问卷调查及 EL ISA法检测 HBs Ag和抗 - HBs;进行单因素和多因素 L ogistic回归分析。结果 :HBs Ag和抗 - HBs阳性率分别为 4 .6 %和 4 6 .4 % ,两者均随年龄增高而上升。男性 HBs Ag携带率高于女性 ,抗 - HBs阳性率女性高于男性。多因素 L ogistic回归分析表明 ,HBs Ag阳性与性别、工作性质、肝病家族史 ,曾经住院及与别人共用剃须刀有关。结论 :在该部队医源性传播是一个值得重视的问题 ;
Objective:To acknowledge the seroprevalence of HBV infection in a unit of PLA and prepare for vaccination.Methods:6 groups were randomly selected.Questionnaires were distributed to individuals.Sera was examined by ELISA method.Univariated and multivariate analyses were conducted.Results:4 6% and 46 4% were positive for HBsAg and anti HBs,respectively.The positive rate of both HBsAg and anti HBs tended to increase with age.Male subjects had a higher risk of carrying HBsAg than that of the female,while the positive rate of protective antibody(anti HBs) was significantly higher in the female than in the male.The HBsAg positive rate of scientific and technical personnel was significantly higher than that of others.Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that HBsAg positivity was significantly associated with gender,occupation,family history of liver disorders,having been hospitalized and sharing shaver with others.Conclusion:Transmission within hospital is an important problem,and the protective vaccination program should pay more attention to male scientific and technical personnel.
Modern Preventive Medicine