以色列党派繁多 ,政党的合并 (或联合 )与分裂也十分频繁 ,是世界上党派变动较多的国家之一。以色列的大党都各有一部复杂的合并与分裂的历史。以色列议会的席位呈现分散化趋势 ,大党的优势在减弱 ,小党的作用在增强。大多数政党是犹太人的、世俗的、奉行锡安主义的 ,但是也有非犹太人的、宗教的、不奉行锡安主义的政党。在每一组政党内部 ,又存在许多的差别 ,甚至在一个党的内部也存在着不同的派别。人们只能根据各党的主要倾向或基本倾向对政治分野做一大致的判断。
Israel, with political parties large in number and frequent in amalgamation and separation, is one of the countries in the world where changes in political parties are quite common. Each major party has a complicated history of amalgamation and separation. Seats in Israeli parliament tend to be decentralized, with major parties' advantages being weakened and minor parties' roles being strengthened. Most Israeli political parties are secular, Jewish parties pursuing Zionism, while non-Jewish, non-Zionism and religious parties can also be found. Many differences exist in both types of parties, even to the extend that different sanctions exist in one party.
West Asia and Africa