加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授马克思·范梅南认为 ,“教育学理解”是一种敏感的聆听和观察 ,具有情境性、应用性、规范性的特点 ,其结构包括非判断性理解、发展性理解、分析性理解、教育性理解和形成性理解 ,是“信任的同情心”促成了“教育学理解”。据此反思可以发现 ,当今学校日常教育实践中存在着的许多问题都与“教育学理解”的结构性缺失有关。给予学生全方位的、真正的“教育学理解”,应该是我们努力的方向。而只有指向学生主体性形成的理解 ,才是真正的“教育学理解”。从某种意义上说 ,教育就是对成长历程的一种守望。
Max van Manen, professor of University of Alberta in Canada, argued that pedagogical understanding is a kind of sensitive listening and watching. Pedagogical understanding is situational, practical and normative. It includes non-judgmental understanding, developmental understanding, analytic understanding, educational understanding, and formative understanding. It is trustful sympathy that facilitates pedagogical understanding. According to this, it can be found that non-complete pedagogical understanding brings about the failure of teacher-student communication. The ultimate aim of pedagogical understanding is to cultivate the subjectivity of children. Education is a kind of watching maturation.
Journal of Subject Education