运用访谈法及数理统计法 ,对 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 2年度报考山东省体育学校 36 71名考生的相关信息进行了统计分析 ,结果显示 :考生来源分布不均 ;各专项考生报考人数逐年变化 ;考生体育测试成绩未呈正态分布。并对今后招生考试工作应遵循的规律和需注意的问题 。
The test scores of 3 671 examinees entering for the examination to Shandong Sports School were analyzed using methods of interview and mathematical statistics in this study.The results showed that the examinees were dispersed unevenly over Shandong province.Amount of the candidate of different sports events changed every year.The scores of the physical test were not normally distributed. Some attentive questions and suggestions were mentioned.
Journal of Shandong Sport University