By synthetically applying research methods of literature, investigation, mathematics, and visiting the present situation on ideological and moral quality, science and cultural quality, specialized ability quality, psychological quality and physical fitness of physical education teachers of middle school in rural in the Shanxi, Gansu and Qinghai Provinces was investigated , analyzed and studied. The results indicated that the fine main factors composing the quality of physical education teachers was unbalanced; science and cultural quality and specialized ability quality relatively lower than others factors; ideological and moral quality, psychological quality and physical fitness belong to general rank, and the feature between the concrete targets of physical education teachers of middle school in rural in three provinces were similar. This results from three aspects: curriculum system of discipline of physical education in college and universities; service training in rural physical education teachers; self - study in rural physical education teachers. In the light of the situation mentioned above, its counter - measurements weresuggested.
Sports Science Research