将蘑菇置于密闭容器内 ,测得容器内O2 、CO2 浓度由于呼吸作用随时间的变化曲线 ,由此推导出呼吸耗氧率R O2 与O2 浓度的数学关系式 ,并以此模拟包装不同重量蘑菇时 ,为了维持气调包装内一定的O2 浓度 ,所需包装材料的透氧率函数 ;或者选定了包装材料后 ,模拟蘑菇的包装量函数。
The monitoring of the changes of O 2 and CO 2 concentration caused by respiration inside a closed chamber containing mushrooms as a function of time,the mathematical equations were developed to describe O 2 consumption as a function of O 2 concentration and were used to model film permeability characteristics to O 2 as a function of weight to achieve desired O 2 concentration in modified atmosphere packages.It also could be used to model mushroom weight once the film was selected.Calculations were presented for optimizing packaging parameters for mushroom.
Food and Machinery