建立一个包含年平均下垫面温度、边界层气温的非线性的零维气候模式 ,用于研究物理参数 (地球放射率、大气有效放射率、地表反照率、大气透射率等 )对气候系统状态的影响。结果表明 ,气候系统的平衡态及其稳定性与反照率的反馈作用和有效放射率有关 ;在现代气候条件下 ,适当的非线性负反馈与二氧化碳、水汽、云共同作用时 ,有利于系统状态趋于稳定。此外 ,通过与该模式相应的现代气候平衡态的偏差方程 ,考察了在参数αw2 ,I0 的作用下 ,系统状态的分布情况。
A zero-dimension energy budget model, in which the annual mean global sea-surface temperature and atmospheric temperature in the boundary layer are chosen as climatic variables, is proposed. The effects of some physical parameters (the effective emissivity of the atmosphere, the albedo of the surface, the transmissivity of the atmosphere, etc.) on the climatic system states can be examined. The results show that the equilibrium states and stabilities are related to the feedback of the albedo of the earth and atmospheric effective radiation quotiety. On the modern climatic condition, the effect of the appropriate nonlinear negative feedback together with CO_2, vapor, cloudiness, can help the climatic state tend to be stable. The deviation equations of the equilibrium in the modern climatic system corresponding to this model are used to investigate the distribution of the climatic system under the influence of parameters α w_2and I_0
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science
国家自然科学基金 49875 0 1 8资助。