广蓄电站高压岔管的P .D值达 5 8× 10 4 kN·m ,未采用常规的钢岔管 ,在钢筋混凝土岔管设计原则上 ,主要依靠围岩承担水压力。施工中从控制爆破、混凝土质量、高压灌浆等方面实现设计意图。这种结构安全可靠 ,投资省 ,效益好。广蓄斜井引进了一套间断式的斜井滑模 ,经改进和完善 ,获得了成功。在天荒坪抽水蓄能电站长斜井施工中 ,研制了自主知识产权的XHM - 7型斜井滑模设备 ,实现了斜井混凝土衬砌的连续滑升 ,显示了该设备结构新颖、安全可靠、速度快、造价低的优势。以上两项新技术的成功实践 ,为我国类似工程的推广和应用提供了有益的经验。
Although the PD value of high-pressure manifold in Guangzhou Pumped-storage Project reaches 58 000 kN.m, the reinforcement concrete manifold is applied in the project instead of the conventional steel manifold. The design principle for such kind of manifold is based on bearing the water pressure mainly by the surrounding rock. Measures such as blasting control, concrete quality control and high-pressure grouting have been taken in construction to achieve the design requirement. The practice proves that this kind of manifold is reliable in performance, efficient in cost and excellent in benefit. Slipforming technology used in the concrete lining construction of high-pressure long inclined-shafts becomes the tough point, and no successful experience was available from both home and abroad at that time. Successful performance has been achieved in inclined-shaft construction of Guangzhou Pumped-storage Project by improving and bettering a set of interval inclined-shaft slipform imported. The self-innovated and patented XHM-7 inclined-shaft slipform equipment used in the long inclined-shaft construction of Tianhuangping Pumped-storage Project has realized the consecutive rising of the concrete lining in the inclined-shaft, which shows the advantages of novel structure, reliability, faster concreting and lower cost of the equipment. The successful application of the two above-mentioned new technologies will provide useful experiences to the promotion and application in the similar future projects.
Strategic Study of CAE