在1952年9月,利乐公司向瑞典隆德乳业协会的 HildingBorstam出售第一部用以制造三角椎体(现被称为Tetra Classic利乐传统包)纸材包装的机器,从此便掀开了其在液体包装历史上辉煌的一页。 适逢今年50周年庆典,利乐特别邀请了过百家国际著名的相关媒体,于9月4日前往瑞典隆德参加盛大的新闻发布会,公告其历史战绩与未来动态。
This year, Tetra Pak is celebrating its first five decades of solid growth. One of the main factors that have contributed to the company's success is its ability to innovate, and then to market its innovations rapidly on a global scale, both in packaging and processing technology for liquid foods.
China Food Industry