分析了七台河电厂 2号锅炉墙式再热器密封板焊缝裂纹产生的原因 ,从焊接结构机理 ,焊缝微观金相以及实际施焊时的焊接工艺等方面进行了分析 ,找出了产生裂纹的原因。提出了相应的解决措施 。
The cause for the cracks in the weld seams of the sealing plate for the reheater of wall type of No.2 boiler at Qitaihe Power Plant was identified through analysis of the mechanism of welding structure, the micrometallographs of welding seams, and the welding prcesses actually used, etc. and necessary corrective actions were suggested as information for future design and on site installation of reheater structures of wall type for similar boilers.
Heilongjiang Electric Power