“民族”是一种多元、多维和多层的综合性的社会存在 ,因此 ,随着观察者的立场、视角和背景的不同可得出不同的结论和定义。本文仅根据欧洲委员会的相关文件中使用“民族”和“族群”的情况 ,从考察欧洲法律文书对相关概念的界定和使用入手 ,探讨“民族”的政治属性 ,并以此展示近几年在国内广为流行的“族群”与“民族”的关系问题。充分认识“民族”的政治属性 ,将有助于我们消除在对待“民族”概念上的一些误解 ,有助于提高对民族平等和民族团结的理性认识 。
Ethno nationality' is a plural and multi dimensional social existence with multi strata, and so observers with different positions, angles of view and background may make different conclusions and definitions. This paper examines the definition and application of the concepts of 'ethno nationality' and 'ethnic group' in the documents of the Council of Europe. It discusses the political attribute of 'ethno nationality' and reveals the relationship between 'ethnic group' and 'ethno nationality', which has been a widespread topic in China in recent years. Having a sufficient understanding of the political attribute of 'ethno nationality' will help to eliminate the misunderstandings about the concept of 'ethno nationality' and increase the rational understanding about ethnic equality and ethnic unity. And in practice, it will contribute to the integration of the ethno nationalities at the national level.
Ethno-National Studies