研究了卡拉胶、淀粉和海藻酸钠 3种凝固剂的凝固特性 ,采取正交组合方法 ,获得以淀粉和卡拉胶混配替代甜菜夜蛾人工饲料中琼脂的最优组合方案。试验证明 ,该饲料饲养甜菜夜蛾幼虫增殖SeNPV的产量与用琼脂作凝固剂相当 ,但新配方中的成本仅为原来的 1 / 3。
To lower the cost of gelling agent, the coagulating characteristics of several gelling agents such as starch, carrageenin and sodium alginate were studied. Results showed that the larvae of Spodoptera exigua grew best when starch and carrageenin were mixed and the best ratio of starch, carrageenin and water was starch (2g)+carrageenin (1.4g)+water (110ml). When the larvae infected by SeNPV were fed with the artificial diet which starch and carrageenin used as gelling agents, the virus yield were almost the same as the diet using agar as gelling agent. Therefore, it was proved that agar in the artificial diet of S.exigua could be replaced by the mixture of starch and carrageenin.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control
教育部重点科技项目 (99199)
广东省星火计划项目 (99B0 6 30 1X)
广东省自然科学基金 (994 117)