采用 ABT生根粉处理南方红豆杉插穗 ,对提高红豆杉插穗成活率、生根能力、扦插苗平均高、平均地径效果极为显著 ;南方红豆杉扦插繁殖用 ABT生根粉处理是可行的 ,其成活率为43 .6~ 77% ,比用清水处理提高 3 .4倍至 5.
Using the ABT rooting Powder treat the Cuttings or Taxus Chinesis var mairei,the result indicate that ehe effect is extrenely Significant on the average plant survival rate、rootig rate、diameter.height of cuttings.Using the ABT rooting Powder treatment is feasible for the cutting propagation of Taxus Chinesis Var.mairei and the average plant survival rate reaches 43.6%~77%; is 3.4~5.9 times of cutting treaxed by the clear water.
East China Forest Management