首先引用杨振宁教授关于中国人求“理”与西方求“自然规律”在方法上不同的论述 ,借以说明“归纳法”与“推演法“结合起来对研究林分系统的重要 ,然后引用有关《河图》、《太极图》的论述 ,并联系到“天人合一”理念 ,而后引用生态学的“逻辑斯谛方程”的观点 ;个体的出生与死亡导致群体趋向“平衡态” ,与久林教授的“自然径阶”上株数比例的对称性分布联系起来 ,去说明林分系统的演变规律是趋向“平衡态”。趋向“平衡态”也是世间万事万物演变的方向 ,也就是天人一物、内外一理的理念。试着应用东、西方文化中的高深哲理 ,去说明森林经营观念的合理性。
The important role induction, inference and deduction played on studying the stand system were explained using Prof. Yang Zhengning's elaboration on the difference between Chinese and western countries' searching the order of nature. The relevant description in 'Diagram of the Universe' was sited, connecting also with 'theory that man is an integral part of nature', the logistic equation of ecology. The birth and death of individuals resulted in the balance of groups, this idea could be connected with the symmetrical distribution of 'Natural Diameter Rank', together contributing to the idea of succession of stands always tend to balanced situation. The reasonability of forest management was elaborated by absorbing the natural philosophy in culture of either Chinese or western countries.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology