以籼粳交 IR6 4/ Azucena的 DH群体 10 9个株系为研究材料 ,在黑暗条件下 ,通过适温 (2 5~ 2 8℃ )和低温逆境(16~ 19℃ )对该 DH群体的种子进行发芽试验 ,测定幼苗中胚轴长度、芽鞘长、根长、苗高等幼苗活力的相关性状。采用 QTL Mapper统计软件检测控制这些性状的加性效应 QTL s和加性×加性上位性 QTL s,共检测到 2 4个加性效应QTL s和 17对上位性 QTL s,定位在除第 9染色体以外的所有染色体上 ,其中 4个加性效应 QTL s和 2对上位性效应控制中胚轴长度 ;9个加性效应 QTL s和 5对上位性效应控制芽鞘长 ;6个加性效应 QTL s和 6对上位性效应与根长有关 ;有 5个加性效应 QTL s和 4对上位性效应影响苗高 ;还检测到部分加性效应和上位性效应与环境的互作效应。
A double haploid (DH) population derived from across between a japonica male parent Azucena and indica female parents IR64, was used for detecting QTLs with additive effects and their epistasis for seedling vigor related traits of rice. Under low temperature and moderate temperature germination condition, the length of mesocotyl, celeoptile, shoots and roots of 109 DH lines were measured. QTLs analysis was conducted by the software QTL mapper. Four QTLs with additive effects and two pairs of QTLs with epistatic effects controlled mesocotyl length. There are nine QTLs with additive effects and five pairs of QTLs with epistatic for celeoptile length, six QTLs with additive effects and six pairs of QTLs with epistatic for root length, five QTLs with additive effects and four pairs of QTLs with epistatic effects for shoot length, respectively. Some additive×environment and epistasis×environment interaction effects of QTLs for seedling vigor related traits are also detected.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
"86 3"计划 ( 2 0 0 1AA2 410 2 5 )