
山东夏津黄河故道古桑树群的演变及其现实意义 被引量:9

Evolution of the Ancient Mulberry Community in Old Course of the Yellow River in Xiajin and Its Implications
摘要 夏津黄河故道古桑树群是夏津自然历史文化发展的见证,是黄河故道地区宝贵的"活化石",具有极其重要的生态、经济、文化、社会和遗传学价值。2014年"山东夏津黄河故道古桑树群"因其在防沙治沙、生物多样性保护、生物资源利用、农业景观维持等方面的多功能价值,被农业部正式公布为第二批"中国重要农业文化遗产"。遗产保护对保护与传承我国桑文化,促进桑产业可持续发展将起到重要推动作用。本研究基于文献调研、问卷调查和野外考查,探讨了夏津黄河故道及古桑树群的起源,系统分析了古桑树群在我国不同历史时期的发展演变,并简要阐述了古桑树群对夏津现代农业发展的重要意义。研究表明,夏津人民选择在黄河改道后留下的风沙地区种植桑树,既可防风固沙,又可发展生产;受战乱影响,夏津黄河故道地区的桑蚕业曾遭受严重破坏,但战乱也使桑葚、桑叶的食用价值被人们重视;近几年,古桑树群的保护日益受到大家的重视。古桑树群丰富的农业生物多样性、传统知识与技术体系和独特的生态与文化景观,不仅可以为目前所倡导的生态农业、循环农业、低碳农业在思想和方法上提供有益借鉴,而且对于彰显农业的多功能特征、传承地方文化、开展科学研究、保障食品安全等均具有重要意义。研究可为夏津黄河故道古桑树群的保护与发展提供一定的指导。 The ancient mulberry community in the old course of the Yellow River, a testimony of the natural,historical and cultural development in Xiajin and a valuable “living fossil” of the old course of the Yellow River, isof great ecological, economic, cultural, social and genetic value. Because of the value in sand prevention and control,biodiversity protection, biological resource utilization and agricultural landscape maintenance, the ancient mulberrycommunity was listed one of the second batch of China's important agricultural heritage by the Ministry ofAgriculture in 2014, which will play an important role in promoting the protection and development of the ancientmulberry community. Based on literature research, surveys and field investigations, this paper explored the origins ofthe old course of the Yellow River and of the ancient mulberry community, analyzed the development of ancientmulberry community in different historical periods, and briefly stated the significance of the ancient mulberrycommunity on the development of modern agriculture in Xiajin. Studies have shown that the people of Xiajin plantedmulberry trees in the sandy area, the old course of the Yellow River. The planting functioned as a protective systemfor windbreak and sand?fixation and promoted production as well. Affected by wars, the silkworm industry of Xiajinhas been destroyed, and meanwhile, the edible value of mulberry and mulberry leaf has been noticed. In recentyears, more and more attention has been paid to the protection of the ancient mulberry community. The agriculture years, more and more attention has been paid to the protection of the ancient mulberry community. The agriculturebiodiversity, traditional knowledge and technology system and unique ecological and cultural landscape of theancient mulberry community can not only provide useful references in ideas and methods for the current ecologicalagriculture, recycling agriculture and low?carbon agriculture, but also have significance for demonstrating the muti?function characteristics of agriculture, inheriting national culture, conducting scientific research and ensuring foodsafety and so on. The research also provides some references for the protection and development of the ancientmulberry community in Xiajin.
作者 陈列 王斌 刘某承 Chen Lie;Wang Bin;Liu Moucheng
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第2期76-83,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家林业公益性行业科研专项项目"美丽城镇森林景观的构建技术研究与示范"(201404301)
关键词 起源 历史演变 古桑树群 黄河故道 夏津 origin historical evolution ancient mulberry community old course of the Yellow River Xiajin
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