

Sentimental Tendency and Pattern of Send-off Poems in Lingnan Area during Tang Dynasty
摘要 送别诗因其担负着交往功能与礼仪意义而表现出一种应用文的特点,唐人在岭南创作的送别诗呈现出一定的模式化特征及情感倾向。以行人所至的目的地不同,可分为两类:一是始于岭南,达于岭南外的送别。送人于岭南外,又可分为送人入朝和送人返乡,前者为己而作,后者为人所作。一是始于岭南,达于岭南某地的送别。诗人由己怜人,由人悯己,歌诗为双方而作。 Send-off poems,with communicational function and etiquette significance, had the features of the applied writing.Send-off poems produced in Linnan Area during Tang Dynasty have some unique patterns and sentimental tendencies. According tothe different destinations of the leaving people,the send-off poems can roughly be classified into two groups. The first one is thosepoems which are about the department from Lingnan Area to other region. This group has two subclasses: the poems about someonewho was leaving to service for the country and the poems about someone who was leaving for hometown. The former usually waswritten for the poet himself, and the latter was written for others. The second group is those poems which are about the departmentwithin Lingnan Area. The poet took pity on the others from himself and himself from the others. So this kind of poems were written forboth poet himself and the leaving person(s).
作者 罗媛元 LUO Yuan-yuan(S c h o o l o f C u l t u r e a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n o f H e z h o u t J n i v e r s i t y , H e z h o u G u a n g x i 542899)
出处 《贺州学院学报》 2016年第2期89-93,共5页 Journal of Hezhou University
基金 2012 2013年广西高校科研一般项目资助(2012YB173 SK13YB098) 2015年广西哲学社会科学规划研究课题(15FZW006) 2015年南岭走廊族群文化研究基地开放基金课题(2015kf06) 2013年教育部人文社会科学研究西部规划基金项目(13XJA751001)
关键词 唐人 岭南 送别诗 情感倾向 poets in Tang Dynasty Lingnan Area send-off poems emotional tendencies
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