
川西气田低压输气管道气液混输试验 被引量:2

Mixed gas-liquid transmission trial of low pressure gas pipeline in Western Sichuan
摘要 本文根据气井生产及管理实际情况,选择高庙33-3井站-川合139站集输管线作为试验管段,编制了混输方案并进行了气液混输的可行性论证,完成了气液混输现场试验,表明对于周围地形为平原或地形起伏较小、运行压力较低的管线可以实施气液混输,为下一步气液混输实施及无人值守井站推行提供了技术依据。 This paper provides the mixed transmission scheme according to the actual production and management in gas wellsby choosing GM33-3-CH139 gathering line as the test section,verifies the feasibility of the scheme,and carries out the field test ongas-liquid mixed transmission.The results show that the pipeline on the plain with low operating pressure is suitable for the scheme,which helps to guide the further application of the scheme and unattended well site.
作者 董耀文 Dong Yaowen(Chuanxi Gas Production Plant,Deyang 618000,China)
出处 《石化技术》 CAS 2016年第3期38-39,96,共3页 Petrochemical Industry Technology
关键词 川西气田 集输管道 气液混输 现场试验 Western Sichuan Gas Field gas transmission pipeline gas-liquid mixing flow field test
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