
基于人口指标与路网指标的绿地可达性比较研究——以广州中心城区为例 被引量:11

Comparison of Green Space Accessibilities Based on Population and Road-network——A Case Study of the Central Area in Guangzhou
摘要 可达性是研究绿地建设水平的重要指标,在现有研究的基础上将绿地可达性归纳为基于人口的绿地可达度和基于路网的绿地可达距离2种类型,以广州中心城区为例对两者进行比较分析。研究表明:基于2种方法的广州中心城区绿地可达性存在数值大小、等级和空间分布3个方面的差异,相对来说基于人口的绿地可达度数值偏小、等级差距大、空间分布不均衡,而基于路网的绿地可达距离则表现出相反的特征。据此将广州中心城区划分为3个绿地可达性类型区:人口-路网可达性一致的类型区,人口可达性高-路网可达性低的类型区,人口可达性低-路网可达性高的类型区。最后针对广州中心城区绿地可达性分析特征提出了4条对策建议:增加绿地总量,提高绿地供给;优化布局,结合绿地可达性类型区的划分,实施分区管理;分类管理,优化绿地配置;提高绿斑密度,增强绿地可进入性。 Green space accessibility is one of the key indexes in measuring green space construction. This paper sums green space accessibility methods into two types—population-based method, and road-network-based method—and applies this two methods in the case study of the central area in Guangzhou. The results indicate: Firstly, green space accessibility based on two methods are different in values, classes and spatial distributions, and the population-based method is with small value, large gap classes and disparity spatial distribution, while the road-based method is with the contrary features. Secondly, the area can be divided into three types based on green space accessibility indexes values, which are the equal level of accessibility values based on two methods, high population-based method accessibility value and low road-network-based method accessibility value, and low population-based method accessibility value and high road-network-based method accessibility value. Finally, four optimizing strategies are given, which include increasing green space supply, area strategies for different accessibility area types, classifying green space governance and advancing green space spot density.
作者 叶昌东 赵晓铭 张媛媛 YE Chang-dong;ZHAO Xiao-ming;ZHANG Yuan-yuan
出处 《中国园林》 北大核心 2016年第7期115-120,共6页 Chinese Landscape Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号41401168) 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院青年基金(编号201622) 2015年广东省高等教育教学改革项目"城乡规划专业实践教育环节中的校企联合培养机制创新"(编号:粤教高函[2015]173号-119)共同资助
关键词 风景园林 绿地可达性 优化配置策略 广州中心城区 人口-路网指标 landscape architecture green space accessibility optimizing strategies central area in Guangzhou population-roadnetwork-based method
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